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Please register here for free access to our online archive search facility.
    This allows free access to the following:
  • Ambleside Oral Archive (over 450 transcripts)
  • Freshwater Biological Association Clearwaters Project (38 transcripts)
  • Lorton & Derwent Fells History Society's Three Valleys Project (43 transcripts)
  • The History of Theatre in Keswick (47 transcripts)
  • Windermere Oral History Society (over 23 transcripts)
A search by keyword or listed topics of the selected archive/s will return a list of all interview transcripts containing the chosen keyword or topic. Each transcript can then be opened and examined.

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AOHG makes no charge for public access to its transcript archive. However, there are some restrictions on copying text and use of the material, as follows:
  • 1. Copyright of all interviews, sound and transcription, is owned by Ambleside Oral History Group or the relevant archive owners.
  • 2. No reproduction is permitted for commercial use or personal gain before negotiation with the Ambleside Oral History Group. Any plans for such use must be stated in a signed declaration, before permission will be considered. (For use in Learned Papers, special arrangements may apply.)
  • 3. For non-commercial use, copyright law rules that no more than 25% of a transcript's contents may be copied without permission.
  • 4. Any publication of archived material, whether or not for commercial purposes, must acknowledge the source as "Ambleside Oral History Group" or the relevant archive.
Subject to the above conditions, you may copy and use extracts from the transcript archive.
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